Friday 25 January 2013

Lists of different techniques/types of animataion

1) Drawn animation- this covers any form where one drawing is replaced by another in a sequence. Each drawing is slightly different from the one before. It works the way a flipbook does. These animated films are made up of thousands of drawings which are shown on screen very quickly one after the other. It takes a very long time to film from start to finish and requires many animators to complete the work.

2) Cut-out animation- this covers any form of animation where cut-out shapes are moved around or replaced by other cut-outs. Flat objects like buttons, matchsticks and string can also be used in this form of animation. Cut-outs can also be laid on top of drawings. It is very quick and easy to do but difficult to have more than one or two objects moving at the same time. Cut-out animation can appear very stiff and awkward.

3) Stop-motion animation- this involves the filming of three-dimensional models. The materials used could include plasticine, clay or wire - in fact anything that can be bent or formed into another shape. The puppets are positioned and filmed before being moved ever so slightly and filmed again. These shots are put together as a piece of film and will give the impression of the models moving.

4) Computer animation- this refers to the drawing of three-dimensional models and sets on the computer. Images can be scanned into the computer using digital photography or made within the computer itself. Human characters can be built from clay whilst sets and furnishings are modelled using design systems similar to architects drawings.

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