Friday 25 January 2013

Evaluation for animation techniques



For my strengths I thought I did very well with showing step by step of how I improved the animation. Another thing I thought I did well was the choices of shapes of the moving object. 

However I believe I could of got a higher grade if i spent more time and thought into the animation. Another thing could of been adding a bit of a background to make it more interresting. One last thing could have been adding more moving objects to make it show a mor eof an understanding of this project.

Overall I think the animation went well which made it show I had a fairly good understanding of this project. My created grade I got was a pass, so there was other work I could of done to make it better. e.g added a background or added more objects that would move. However I thought I did well with uploading seperate videos to show the progress I made with the animation. So I'm pleased with the animation although other things could of improved it.


Overall I think the animation went well which made it show I had a fairly good understanding of this project. My created grade I got was a pass, so there was other work I could of done to make it better. e.g added a background or added more objects that would move. However I thought I did well with uploading seperate videos to show the progress I made with the animation. So I'm pleased with the animation although other things could of improved it.

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