Friday 25 January 2013

Evaluation for audio production (recorded poem)


For my strengths I thought my main idea of changing a serious poem to sarcastic one went well as an idea. Another thing I thought I did well was showing I had a good understanding of  what the original poem makes you feel. e.g. relaxed.

For my weaknesses I could of taken more time into the recording. This is because It sounded rushed and not very well done. (should of also put ore effort into it because it sounds to short)

I thought that the recording of the poem (When Roses cease to bloom) went fairly well as it is quite a serious and intellectual story. I believe my main strength was the main idea of turning it into a more funny recording by putting on a different voice. I did this because the original poem sounds like the poet Emily Dickinson is expressing and wanting a mans love and I wanted it to sound like she was obsessive and strange. However I think my main weakness was the fact I rushed it which made the recording sound not as good as it could of. Also I wish I spoke in a more slow pace because the poem seems to be to short. Overall I thought the recording of the poem went well, although I wish I took longer on this project.


I thought that the recording of the poem (When Roses cease to bloom) went fairly well as it is quite a serious and intellectual story. I believe my main strength was the main idea of turning it into a more funny recording by putting on a different voice. I did this because the original poem sounds like the poet Emily Dickinson is expressing and wanting a mans love and I wanted it to sound like she was obsessive and strange.  However I think my main weakness was the fact I rushed it which made the recording sound not as good as it could of. Also I wish I spoke in a more slow pace because the poem seems to be to short. Overall I thought the recording of the poem went well, although I wish I took longer on this project.

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