Friday 19 October 2012

(fake) CV

Ezekiel Williams

My main objective is to gain a place in becoming an art director in the movie industry. To do this I am eager to develop new skills: An eye to see which scenery would give the best effect, which camera angles would look most effective and also know what prop design would be best.

Relevant experience:

-         For work experience I worked at HAT (History of Advertisement Trust). There I learnt to categorise and find the key features which would appeal to the audience.

-         I took a Btec Creative Media course. On this course I took part in an Aviva project. This involved identifying prizes to be won which would help gain customers. I also took part in making a music video which I included my own lyrics and directing it myself


Education and qualification:

-         University of Nottingham (2016-2019) completed an art department apprenticeship.

-         City of Norwich School (2008-2013) I passed 3 GCSE’s including English, Maths and History. C and above in all three of them subjects.

Information about myself

-         Email address:

-         Date of birth: 13/12/96

-         Mobile number: 07518066388

-         47 Rupert street, Norwich, Norfolk, Nr2 2ax




• A good eye for decoration and detail


• Ability to conceptualise ideas


• Ability to think visually




Music: Creating my own lyrics, listening and discussing new songs

Television: Watching comedy, music channels and documentaries

Computer games: Researching, discussing and playing


Recent job: I recently finished my job as a helper for Future radio. I learnt all the sound equipment and how to use it effectively.

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